You can start over whenever you want

Happy New Year! (Even though it's May)

Happy Sunday and Happy New Year!

“Wait, did I read that right?”

Yes, you did, and that’s because I’ve decided that May is the month that I’m choosing to re-focus, re-settle, restart my routines and get my life back on track. (And by the way, boy is 2024 flying!)

What happened to my routines?

If you’re not new here to #TheLifeofJLOWE Sunday catch-up, you’d remember that last year in August I joined a Crossfit gym, and I was doing that consistently until about the end of November. I stopped going in November to study for an exam that I took in December and also to devote that weight-lifting time to running since I was training for the Miami marathon in January.

I always knew that I would go back, because I loved the challenge. I loved feeling like a beginner and learning new exercises. 🏋🏻

Okay, actually, let me re-phrase: I hated feeling like a beginner. But I loved the thought of being new to something and the challenge of slowly becoming comfortable with that feeling of being a beginner.

It’s good to put yourself on a new learning curve, especially as an adult when, if you’re not intentional about doing new things, you won’t really learn new skills because we’re creatures of comfort. We, as humans, like to stick to what we know.

Back to Crossfit means back to routine

My Crossfit gym offers a class-type of workout, so it makes it really easy for me to build it into my schedule rather than having too much flexibility with just going to “the gym” of my own volition. I’m by no means a gym rat, so I’m not there yet with being able to schedule my workouts and choose push and pull days and all of that, so having a coach and a class is perfect for me right now.

I pay for CrossFit monthly, so May 1 was my first day back. 😋

Why does back to CrossFit = New year?

It doesn’t. 😆 

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