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- Is organized chaos a good thing?
Is organized chaos a good thing?
This is your sign to do that thing you really want to do

Good morning, good afternoon, happy Sunday & happy newsletter day from LAS VEGAS!
I know the newsletter is a bit late today, but bear with me, I’m currently 3 hours behind EST (and many more hours behind on sleep), so thank you for being here with me today! It’s 9am where I am! 😅
If you follow me on Instagram, you’d know that I’ve been in Vegas since Friday with some family, and have been especially enjoying the spoils of live music from artists like Maroon 5 and Adele the past 2 nights.
But how did we get here?
How did we get here?
I think if you’ve been a part of #TheLifeofJLOWE family for a while, you can probably tell that I’m a pretty well-organized, plan-in-advance, know-before-you-go kind of guy when it comes to most things in life. (I mean, I have a newsletter that I publish once a week - there has to be something hyper-organized about me to stay on top of that just by itself😂)
But anyways, while it works out pretty well most times to know what to expect and plan out everything to the T, this trip has reminded me that some of the best experiences in life are those you don’t plan and can’t see coming.
I booked the flight to Vegas on Thursday night, on TUESDAY!
Is organized chaos a good thing?
When I think about my personality and who I am - you know the whole “tell me 3 adjectives to describe you” interview question, one word that I’ve always used to describe myself is “organized”.
After this great weekend of fun in Vegas, it got me thinking not about being disorganised, but rather about the concept of “organized chaos”.
Trust me, there’s lots of people in my life that I know that pretty much define organized chaos spot on. They have things all over the place, but know exactly where everything is, and they might seem like they’re a mess but deep down everything is calculated and there are level-set expectations for themselves (or at least I’d like to think so, for the purpose of this message).
How do I embrace that idea of “organized chaos” to make life more exciting?
Side note - welcome to #TheLifeofJLOWE!
I’m gonna let a cat out of the bag here - this weekend, we just hit 450 SUBSCRIBERS on #TheLifeofJLOWE newsletter and we’re heading past 400 subscribers on Youtube (if you haven’t subscribed yet, head over to my channel NOW!)
But that being said, there’s actually a lot of new readers here today, so welcome! I can no longer take for granted that my audience knows me, so stick around for a few weeks and keep up with the weekly newsletter and my social media to get to know me a little better 😊
But anyways, the reason I say “how do I introduce more organized chaos” isn’t to say my life isn’t really exciting and unpredictable as it is. I mean hey, I took a last minute trip to Europe in March where I created a few viral TikToks with my brother, and now there’s almost 40,000 of you over there on that platform. #TheLifeofJLOWE is a ride I’m on that I’m excited to have you here as a part of.
So no, the question isn’t how do I make life exciting - it’s how do I make it more exciting?
Life is happening now, time is passing NOW
The answer is simple, remember that life is happening now. I wrote about this last year this time when I was in a transitionary period of life between graduating college and starting my full-time job, but a complementary mantra that I’ve adopted is the following:
The time will pass anyways, so just do it.
This applies to the small things and the big things, from going to the gym to booking an impromptu trip to Vegas.
This year - these past few months - I’ve really been thinking about the fact that time will pass anyways, and mind you, it will pass so quickly.
Even when I look back on the growth of the plants that I planted a few months ago, I just think to myself, “Wow, if I didn’t just take the 20 minutes to plant those in the soil last year, they wouldn’t have bloomed now in the spring.”
Are you following me here?
Like Nike, Just Do It
The quote “the time will pass anyways” to me, means that if there’s something you want to do, unless there’s something GENUINELY stopping you from doing it, do it now.
Go to the gym, because you’ll spend that hour scrolling your phone in bed and the time will pass anyway.
Go for a walk or a run, because those 20 minutes will be wasted if you don’t.
Book that flight to your dream destination, because that time is gonna pass you by anyways.
The idea that there’s a perfect time to do anything is a lie!
I think in this world where we’re all glued to our phones, or some form of stimulation that’s not reality throughout our days, it’s important to wake up and recognize that the 24 hours in a day and the 7 days a week is a lot of time that passes us by.
Check your screen time - how much of that time could you have spent at the gym, or reading a book or hanging out with a friend or painting a canvas?
Even this newsletter. Today, instead of the morning doom-scroll, I decided that even though it’s a few hours after regular posting time, I’d take the time to write this message anyway. Because this time would’ve passed anyway.
And on the organized chaos piece? Take a chance on yourself. There’s a lesson called “The 51% rule” that I’ll discuss in a later newsletter, but if you’re like me and love to plan, get to 51% sure of a decision and just make it. Take action. Have the majority of it planned out, then take the plunge.
So if you were looking for your sign to book that trip - this is it. If you were looking for a sign to go to the gym for the first time or go for your first run, here it is! 😊
And as always, thank you for being here and we’ll see each other next week Sunday (and every Sunday) at 9:00am EST.
Until next Sunday,